Saturday, November 22, 2008

Paddling Update

We've managed to run the whole of the main whitewater sections of the White Nile over the last few days. Yesterday we took out above Itanda to meet our shuttle and scout the rapid. It's massive, but the line is definitely possible. But I'm going to wait a while before I consider running it. We did a run from the campsite down to Silverback this morning which could have gone better. Enda had a swim just above Bujagali Falls and despite my best efforts to get him or some of his gear to an eddy he ended up swimming right over the centre line nearly taking me with him. I managed to get myself over to run a different line (so as not to drop in on top of him) and we met up in the pool below. He's got a few bumps and scrapes but I think his confidence is more damaged than the rest of him is at the moment. He lost his paddle somewhere in one of the holes that he was stuck in. So he's been talking to the locals offering a reward for its return.

Enda walked off the run at that point and the rest of us went on. The run went fine for me with nothing more than the usual surprises, a whirpool opening up underneath me in the middle of a rapid, and then getting thrown completely airborne on Silverback itself. I'd heard stories of the waves doing that but it's difficult to imagine it happening until it happens to you. I was only sorry i didn't have the helmet camera on for that. So while Enda was being looked over by our new friend Pierre, who's a trauma surgeon from London paddling here for a few weeks, I set to work mounting the camera on my lid and securing it with a mess of cable ties. So now I'm off to round up a gang to go run that section again and get some footage.


Ken said...

Looking froward to seeing the videos :)

Wandering Paddler said...

I've no footage of Enda's epic swim (he's now had the line he opened up named after him...kind of). I took some headcam footage of an evening run on Bujagali that I did with a Scottish lad but I got worked pretty badly in a hole so it's mostly bubbles. I'll probably give it a run down Silverback this afternoon

We got some good footage on the ramp last night, it'll take a while to put it all together though as there were a variety of cameras filming the silliness.

Ken said...

I think footage of geting worked in a hole could be fairly fun viewing. :)